DenoDeno.HttpServerinterface Deno.HttpServerextends AsyncDisposableAn instance of the server created using Deno.serve() API. Type Parameters ##Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr Properties ##finished: Promise<void> A promise that resolves once server finishes - eg. when aborted using the signal passed to ServeOptions.signal. #addr: Addr The local address this server is listening on. Methods ##ref(): void Make the server block the event loop from finishing. Note: the server blocks the event loop from finishing by default. This method is only meaningful after .unref() is called. #unref(): void Make the server not block the event loop from finishing. #shutdown(): Promise<void> Gracefully close the server. No more new connections will be accepted, while pending requests will be allowed to finish.
interface Deno.HttpServerextends AsyncDisposableAn instance of the server created using Deno.serve() API. Type Parameters ##Addr extends Deno.Addr = Deno.Addr Properties ##finished: Promise<void> A promise that resolves once server finishes - eg. when aborted using the signal passed to ServeOptions.signal. #addr: Addr The local address this server is listening on. Methods ##ref(): void Make the server block the event loop from finishing. Note: the server blocks the event loop from finishing by default. This method is only meaningful after .unref() is called. #unref(): void Make the server not block the event loop from finishing. #shutdown(): Promise<void> Gracefully close the server. No more new connections will be accepted, while pending requests will be allowed to finish.