DenoDeno.lint.SourceCodeinterface Deno.lint.SourceCodeunstableProperties ##text: string Get the full source code. #ast: Program Get the root node of the file. It's always the Program node. Methods ##getText(node?: Node): string Get the source test of a node. Omit node to get the full source code. #getAncestors(node: Node): Node[] Returns array of ancestors of the current node, excluding the current node.
interface Deno.lint.SourceCodeunstableProperties ##text: string Get the full source code. #ast: Program Get the root node of the file. It's always the Program node. Methods ##getText(node?: Node): string Get the source test of a node. Omit node to get the full source code. #getAncestors(node: Node): Node[] Returns array of ancestors of the current node, excluding the current node.