method Script.prototype.runInNewContext

contextObject?: Context,
): any

First contextifies the given contextObject, runs the compiled code contained by the vm.Script object within the created context, and returns the result. Running code does not have access to local scope.

The following example compiles code that sets a global variable, then executes the code multiple times in different contexts. The globals are set on and contained within each individual context.

import vm from 'node:vm';

const script = new vm.Script('globalVar = "set"');

const contexts = [{}, {}, {}];
contexts.forEach((context) => {

// Prints: [{ globalVar: 'set' }, { globalVar: 'set' }, { globalVar: 'set' }]

Parameters #

#contextObject: Context

An object that will be contextified. If undefined, a new object will be created.

Return Type #


the result of the very last statement executed in the script.