WebI/OConsole.assertmethod Console.assert#Console.assert(condition?: boolean,...data: any[],): voidTests that an expression is true. If not, logs an error message Examples ##console.assert(1 === 1, "This won't show"); console.assert(1 === 2, "This will show an error"); Parameters ##condition: boolean optionalThe expression to test for truthiness #<span>...data</span>: any[] Return Type #void
method Console.assert#Console.assert(condition?: boolean,...data: any[],): voidTests that an expression is true. If not, logs an error message Examples ##console.assert(1 === 1, "This won't show"); console.assert(1 === 2, "This will show an error"); Parameters ##condition: boolean optionalThe expression to test for truthiness #<span>...data</span>: any[] Return Type #void