function createImageBitmap

Overload 1

#createImageBitmap(): Promise<ImageBitmap>

Create a new ImageBitmap object from a given source.

Examples #

try {
  // Fetch an image
  const response = await fetch("");
  const blob = await response.blob();

  // Basic usage
  const basicBitmap = await createImageBitmap(blob);
  console.log("Basic bitmap size:", basicBitmap.width, basicBitmap.height);

  // With options
  const resizedBitmap = await createImageBitmap(blob, {
    resizeWidth: 100,
    resizeHeight: 100,
    resizeQuality: "high",
    imageOrientation: "flipY"

  // Cleanup when done
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Failed to create ImageBitmap:", error);

Parameters #

The image to create an ImageBitmap from.

#options: ImageBitmapOptions

The options for creating the ImageBitmap.

Return Type #


See #

Overload 2

sx: number,
sy: number,
sw: number,
sh: number,
): Promise<ImageBitmap>

Create a new ImageBitmap object from a given source, cropping to the specified rectangle.

Examples #

try {
  // Fetch an image
  const response = await fetch("");
  const blob = await response.blob();

  // Cropping parameters
  const croppedBitmap = await createImageBitmap(
    0,    // sx: start x
    0,    // sy: start y
    50,   // sw: source width
    50,   // sh: source height

  // Cleanup when done
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Failed to create ImageBitmap:", error);

Parameters #

The image to create an ImageBitmap from.

#sx: number

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the sub-rectangle from which the ImageBitmap will be cropped.

#sy: number

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the sub-rectangle from which the ImageBitmap will be cropped.

#sw: number

The width of the sub-rectangle from which the ImageBitmap will be cropped.

#sh: number

The height of the sub-rectangle from which the ImageBitmap will be cropped.

#options: ImageBitmapOptions

The options for creating the ImageBitmap.

Return Type #


See #